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Diana Banes of @banescreativedesign is not only an incredibly talented graphic designer with an impressive career and body of work- she’s my bestie!

In November 2020, Diana officially entered the world of full time business owner! I asked Diana to share what has surprised her about the transition to being THE boss….

“I didn’t realize how much time I would be investing in my own business after “business hours”. I’m constantly thinking about things for Banes Creative at all hours of the day and night... it’s like I have no off button lol! I can’t close the office door and go home because my work IS in my home and I AM THE BOSS!
I do love the flexibility of being able to do whatever I need to do during the day because I’m the only one who dictates when the time to do the work is appropriate."

I am VERY thankful to have support as I’m making this transition. Without the support I’ve received from my husband, family, close friends, and colleagues I would feel very alone and very apprehensive about the decision I made. Knowing how much people believe in me and my skills to make it as a business owner is just so inspiring! Sure, I have days where I have my doubts, but all in all, I have mostly positive thoughts about pushing through this transition and it’s challenges to get to the other side of it and feel successful.”

Follow Diana and check out her beautiful work over at @banescreativedesign and

With Joy,

Lauren Liz